Harf is simply not that bright. She is well-versed in the leftists dogma, but she has never been a deep thinker and essentially makes a living parroting leftist talking points and appealing to emotion.
She says the “challenge is to find the right way to respond with law enforcement to criminal acts (as part of the protest).”
Here is the answer Marie - in the leftists cities the DA’s are out to charge the police, the political leaders do not support the police, and the rioters are given a pass to act criminally with no consequences. Support the police and jail the rioters and it will end. Do not do that and it will continue.
She outright LIED about Portland. Completely lied. The new leftist lie is that “Portland was peaceful until Trump spoke up about it”. It was NEVER peaceful. They attacked the courthouse on day 1 and every day since when there was nothing more than contract security guards present with a couple of FPS officers. This is a total lie that is being told repeatedly and every person who utters it should be immediately called out for it. Go back to the attacks on the ICE facility a few years ago in Portland when the local police REFUSED to remove or stop the mob on orders from the Mayor.
Good on Harris for calling her out.
Harf is a half wit and she deserves the spanking she got.
Good job, Harris.
“The new leftist lie is that Portland was peaceful until Trump spoke up about it. It was NEVER peaceful.” LOL! Not according to some folks I’m familiar with. Sort of like seattle was all peaches and cream with nary a hint of violence. Uh, okee dokee then. Trump SS troops starting fires and kidnapping(disappearing) people off the streets.