It is possible that they were ‘born this way’ because we are born sinners - ever since Adam. Because we were ‘born this way’ does not mean that it is right or that someone has to stay that way. Others may be born with a tendency toward alcohol, drugs, adultery,...
Again ‘bbtw’ is not an excuse to stay that way, we can change - just choose, work toward, and by God’s grace and strength change into what is best.
I was born a liar, thief, greedy, probably born lazy, dependent on others,... I don’t have to stay that way and by God’s grace I can change. Regarding lazy - I changed because of outside influences: Dad and Mom, examples around me, a demanding boss and coaches, wanting to make something of my life, a maturing process, [not wanting to stay in my parents’ basement, :-)] But it all started on the inside when the Father gave me a ‘new heart’.
You can be born with a passionate desire to ram your dingaling up other men’s butts or in their mouths, or accept other men’s wangs rammed into those orifices. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it. Or that if you did it once, you have to keep doing it. You can live a monogamous, heterosexual lifestyle, or be celibate, despite those urges. No need to convert to a heterosexual in order to simply not act on homosexual desires.
Definitely right. But Id add that if not a choice (which I largely doubt, except in these insane days), it is a defect theyre born with. It should be recognized as such, and not something to celebrate, but to fight and overcome. Certainly no more than dont act on it.