“They are only interested in complaints from people of color. (Such a silly expression)”
It grows more and more tiresome and silly. I was born in 1944 in South Carolina where we used to refer to “colored people” to show some respect rather than using other words. Most “colored people” appreciated that at the time but later on they decided that it was disrespectful and they preferred to be called black but then they decided to my amazement that they should not be called black but “African-American” even though the term properly refers to someone who originally lived in Africa but became an American citizen, not someone who is descended from Africans. Now, lo and behold, they are “people of color” I see no difference between colored people and people of color, it is enough to make a sensible person puke. I simply say black people, if they can call me white I can call them black.
Rather than cracker, we should demand to be called Saltine Americans. ;-)