To: rktman
Many cases reported of people who left long lines after registering and received positive results.
Many cases.
28 posted on
07/19/2020 8:37:40 AM PDT by
(Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; defend the defenseless; care for the unloved.)
To: _longranger81
Well that doesn’t mean they’re false. LOL!
29 posted on
07/19/2020 8:39:45 AM PDT by
( #My2ndAmend! ----- Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH?)
To: _longranger81
I think what is happening is private contractors are using fake tests to get paid more—fraud.
33 posted on
07/19/2020 8:57:17 AM PDT by
(Masters don't want slaves talking about masters and slaves.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson