Eventually everyone is going to test positive.
The PCR Test for Covid is the worst test imaginable.
It will find small traces of the virus even after the body has eliminated all virus cells. The test will find shattered virus cells, destroyed by the bodys immune system, and multiply them into a positive result.
Hence, so many asymptomatic positives. These are not people who can spread the virus, these are people who had the virus and their body fought it off. They probably never knew they had the virus, it is long ago conquered in their body, but traces of the shattered virus DNA can still be found in their body and replicated into a complete virus genome, and a positive test result, by PCR.
These asymptomatic carriers of the virus are just fine. They are not sick because the virus is dead inside of them. They cannot spread the virus to you.
We need to find a better test, one that finds only active virus cells, not the remnants of dead virus DNA!