“The sun was shining and the birds were singing and there were no people.”
I have read from numerous liberals and one that I actually know that, wouldn’t it be wonderful if half the world’s human population died? Of course, they mean the little people, not themselves. But what they don’t realize is, the lifestyles we live today depend on the consumption of billions of buyers. Food is dirt cheap because it is worth raising and slaughtering, among other things, 12 million chickens per day, 360 days per year. It is worth fracking oil and building huge refineries making gasoline probably as cheap as it was fifty years ago in real terms. It is worth building entire manufacturing plants to make iPhones and laptops that anyone can buy.
Can you imagine what these things would cost if they suddenly had only half the market they have now? It wouldn’t be twice the price. It would be an exponential. Also, the consumption of that huge market drives, directly or indirectly, probably two thirds of our economy.
Cut the world’s population in half and we would all suffer. But these people see a world where they never have to wait in a line and never have to see homeless people, because, obviously, those were in the half that died. Ah, yes, the joy of driving your BMW down a city street with no other traffic; just a few tumbleweeds.
Cut the worlds population in half and we would all suffer. But these people see a world where they never have to wait in a line and never have to see homeless people, because, obviously, those were in the half that died.
And that half was far, far away. Oh, wait! Those people mine the rare earths used in smartphones and solar cells! They mine the industrial gemstones and metals. They populate the textile factories, steel mills,auto assemblies. They mine the soils producing many dyes. They even work in fabricating medicines.
Yes, the lines will actually increase because there will be less production with the same consumption. And most of the surviving woke will be too poor to afford any of the items they take for granted today because they have no skills or lack the strength to gather essentials for themselves.
The surviving producers will be able to ask for more compensation due to labor shortages. Essential elements will be in constant shortage. Transportation will suffer similarly.
“Be careful what you wish for.”
Maybe they will get an orange for Christmas. If there still is Christmas.