Who here would volunteer to teach in a closed classroom of recirculated air...with 20 plus kids?
Normally I’d err on the side of opening up things, but I’m a teacher and I know how things are in public education.
I’m most schools, the classroom sizes will be closer to 30-35. This is due to the fact that school systems have had their revenues crushed by the drop in overall property tax revenue this year. Teachers who are retiring are not being replaced...so, larger class sizes.
May be some systems could just delay 2 weeks in order to see how the recent spike in infections translates into deaths. Also, we can see if rate of infections begins to drop again.
I teach at an “alternative school”; one that is notorious for having kids sent to school sick because the parents don’t want them at home (or worse).
“I teach at an alternative school; one that is notorious for having kids sent to school sick because the parents dont want them at home (or worse).”
I knew a woman who was a clinical pediatric social worker - she caught more bugs than anyone else I knew in the medical fields.
The answer is obvious.
Just put a BLM poster in their hands and hold protest classes outside.