We cheated the Indians out of Manhattan island, so when do we give that bastion of liberal crap back?
***We cheated the Indians out of Manhattan island***
The other way around. According to Louis L’Amour, the Dutch bought the land from Indians, who just happened to be traveling through, and did not live in that area.
The Dutch later had to build a wall, now Wall Street, to protect themselves from those “Sauvages” who did live there and missed the payoff.
“We cheated the Indians out of Manhattan island,...”
So to the Indians, a chest full of beautiful, colorful beads would represent lifetimes of work. The fact that Dutch factories could turn them out by the shipload was unimaginable to them.
And then there was the miracle of iron pots that you could cook in and would last lifetimes. Indians probably thought they were ripping us off.
yep, it’s all selective perpetual outrage. And they continually make hypocrites of themselves the moment they speak.
I'm guilty. Peter Minuit is supposed to be my 10th great-grandfather.
“We cheated the Indians out of Manhattan island, so when do we give that bastion of liberal crap back?”
When does someone show up at Leyla Santiago’s home wanting their land back? I’m sure she would just hand them the keys.