When multibillion-dollar corporation Quaker Oats quakes and changes the name of their pancake syrup;... when a cosmetic colossus like LOréal removes the word whitening from their products;.... when Disney changes all reference to their movie The Song of the South from their ride out of fear;... when Verizon, Coca Cola and others combine to cut $7 Billion in advertising in order to force racial justice because Facebook ran a pro-Trump ad;.... when the NFL, without even being asked, volunteers to replace the National Anthem with the Black National Anthem;.... when governments squash churches, but allow mass demonstrations;.... when police are told to stand down, while buildings are burning, statues of historic figures are torn down, and small businesses are looted;.... when students campaign to cancel Abraham Lincoln because they say he didnt love black people:.....
....What do you have besides insanity, and beyond hypocrisy.........Besides intellectual bedlam, and historical revisionism, I mean. What do you have?
I will tell you the one thing you absolutely do NOT have: White Supremacy.... None of these things could ever happen in a white supremacist nation