as a younger person (relative to the average freeper) we need to rebrand FR and get younger people participating here. There are a LOT of younger (20-45) people who are very pissed and want to be organized and get politically active and we need to appeal to them.
Protest Warriors
Was an Fun/Serious
Project 20 years ago.
Another group called
MinuteMan had success.
I agree about motivating the younger FR patriots. How do you suggest we motivate their interest?
However, I'm suggesting a Free Republic sponsored movement because the name is well known. Any ideas for an new title/acronym? I started back when with FAN (Free Action Network). It didn't take off, but then came along Free Republic Network. A Freeper named Bob J organized/coordinated it with many successful events and gatherings. He has been long gone, but might find his info in my files.
Mail on head
When I joined I was 42
20 years ago
There are so many more platforms now
I hate to be the party pooper but were are beyond politics
And so many freepers are still stuck on Im not racist I have black friends mode
When whites quit defending themselves over race and the smart minorities join us
We might have a chance
Right now we are getting our asses kicked institutionally
We only have votes...and thats barely
They own 100% of the cultural real estate
And thats what this is and Ive been screaming this here 20 years to many a deaf and at times hostile ears
We are going to have to stop them or they are going to destroy western civilization
Cucked whites and allowing the west to be overrun with non white economic not liberty refugees has done this
A self inflicted wound
They will only respond to fear instilled when they know we will kill them to prevent this
This aint the blue dress or hanging chad
Unfortunately Free Republic is a little dated for younger folks. They’re on reddit, Twitter, Parler, Discord...