hardly think they will succeed in making an officer’s race some kind of secret.
And if they do, what happens if they suddenly realize that minority officers are getting promoted at a lower rate than white officers?
That is going to be the unintended consequence. As I posted earlier affirmative action in the military has been a major priority for at least 40 years.
And all those years I maintained weight standard because a full length photo didn’t lie. Officers with mustaches were encouraged to shave them off & if they normally wore glasses they were required to wear empty hornrim frames for the photo.
Then DA switched from B/W full length photos to a color 3/4 length closeup photo which made even skinny guys look fat.
All those years official photos were about weight, weight, weight, or so I thought. Never until now did I think there was a racial reason for the photo. But as noted it was also used as a form of affirmative action. Silly me.
So glad I’m retired.....all that B/S is in the past now.