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To: Fishtalk
Great stuff Fish good job:

Here's what I have been working on all week:

Little did i know that George Webb would have all 4,000 of his videos taken down by the commies at youtube.

I started writing this piece by using the 39 minute youtube piece that George Webb had done on the topic of how the DNC is more than just a political party.I was finishing up early Sat. when I learned that youtube had taken down all 4,000 of Webb's videos.

Webb has over a hundred thousand followers and he will righteously show up somewhere else and already has done several pieces with Farmer Jones. Just shows how the hard left can get away with anything while we are held to another double standard. Our opinions are toxic while their opinions by blm and antifa are ever so righteous.

George Webb has patiently shown how the takeover of a country happens piece by piece over his past four years.They replace all of our history or as much of it as they can infiltrate our military,police,judiciary,congress and whatever they can before replacing it with paid googans from Dyncorp,NaTO, CIA,and goon squads from all over the world. They import hundreds of thousands of sleepers for when the time is right and create chaos whenever and wherever there is weakness in govt. Mostly in democrat led areas such as Calif. Chicago,NYC,the Midwest where many muslims have already been seeded.

It’s a long process and takes years but they have done it before in country after country and will do it again until they are stopped.

This is a piece by George Webb.It's been taken down so don't look for it but it was there. (video taken down by youtube since Webb got too close to the truth)

In this video Webb ties everything together. The dnc,antifa,blm,cia,gladio—cia political operations in a country and the stay behind people,antifa,blm,others you name it. Webb brings it all together so it makes sense.

He shows how it’s all happened before in other venues—Vegas,Orlando,911,other countries so many instances you can’t list them all and on and on,more Webb brilliance.

He claims he is one of the first of the “Citizen Journalists”. He started four years ago by going on site and reporting where the news began and taking the story as far as he can go with it and never stopping.

For instance Webb walked the same walk Seth Rich did on his way home from Lou’s City Bar in dc.That's a business owned by Joe Capone who: mysteriously visited the White House the same day as Bob Creamer a noted DNC criminal “before” Rich’s shooting. As I like to say this is the story that has no end.

On Webb’s tour of Rich’s last walk home from the Lou’s City Bar he noted cameras that either were there or had been taken by the FBI and many other things that were never mentioned by the press.I often wondered why the FBI got involved and told the dc police to stand down (confidentially of course not publicly).Than I remembered that Rich supposedly was seen in a van with two men being questioned on his way home.Some thought the two were FBI.

Moments later shortly after 4:00 am Rich was accosted by two men.The three struggled.It was no robberty nothign was taken from RIch. Rich was shot twice by a small calibre hand gun thought to be a .22. The men could have been either FBI or MS 13. After he was shot Rich sat on the sidewalk and chatted with police officers until the ambulance came for him and took him to Med Star hospital.

I recently learned that: dc mayor Bowser and DNC head at the time Donna Brazille were there at the hospital.Some coincidence!!

One question that arises is: could they,bowser and brazile, have contacted Dr. Sava(Medstar head of surgery) to take over the situation and called in CIA connects to do security while they either: finished killing Rich or moved him somewhere else for more interrogation(which is what i think happened) we don’t know. Once they learned that Rich sent the thumb drives to wiki the smart thing would be to kill him “after” they had learned what else he had or had not done.

What was discovered before Rich’s death is that he was targeted by the DNC which Webb has explained is more than just a political party but a para-military institution that can commission murder.They did. DNC big wigs had a vote on what to do about Rich. They all voted to send a message with Hillary leading the pack of Podesta and others who voted to have Rich murdered.

They normally use the CIA which does not murder people any more they farm it all out. It’s thought they used two MS13 goons who were found dead in South Carolina several months later. You just can’t make this sh_t up!! According to @RealMattCouch, Donna Brazile and Muriel Bowser were both at the hospital at the same time #SethRich was the night he died.

Here is a clip below from the link above:

“How did they know he was there and why were they there around 4 am?

This is all so strange…

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) August 20, 2018—just stuff we citizen journalists dig up)”

That used to be standard decades ago. Now it’s all sit behind a computer and read the press releases.

Webb is one of the first to go onsite and do political journalism. Who needs the drivebys when you have Webb and now more and more citizen journalists joining in all the time. All the bad stuff that goes on can now be reported instead of being ignored.

Webb chatted with a BIll S. who admitted that Webb revealed the DNC and who they really were,a criminal organization doing insurgency like doings an insurgency arm was created as were military components of the DNC. Doing CIA cutouts,blackberries encrypted communications, all coordinated by the DNC. The DNC is actually a paramilitary org. which can create an insurgency, can launch a bio-weapon. Additionally, they use diplomatic immunity to ship chem weapons,darpa surveilance tech. should be used against terrorist now used against us.

Bill S. admitted to it,Bill Morrell, Petraeus,are all criminals.

Research journalist Sibel Edmonds tell of Gulen,weapons in Indianapolis, muslim former house member Keith Ellison at headquarters of el shabob,pioneer phase I, lots of people got into it phase II,shake out phase III cream rises to the top,too much competition instead of working together he’s right.

Webb promotes Sibel Edmonds who looks into Gladio C weapons, car fires,mass mahem,bio weapons,we are in it now,sanctuary cities are the hiding places for those who go out and create crimes and then rush back to their sanctuary where they can’t be prosecuted same going on in Portland.

Antifa’s take down of the US.

Currently antifa is doing it. They create an autonomous zone like Portland is doing now (antifa is only a small group of a much larger terror group that is world wide—always keep that in mind)go in and out of it (remember all those safe zones in other cities,same thing preparation for take down—LA,Miami,NYC,other cities)to run covert operations.They collect dossiers to wreak havoc,burn businesses, beat up owners,they know they went too far pulling back from 7 blocks to 3 blocks 50 states 35 locations where they do fake race stories like George Floyd and others. Big money not only from corps. who are seeking absolution and hopefully keeping bad guys away from their stores in addition to act blue funds. Then there are clowns like Alephonotas from dc smuggling kids, but, what else is he smuggling??(same as Epstein—what else was he doing while the attentions was diverted by the young girls) How are these ops conducted? Farmer Jones does interviews,Petraeus wrote the book on counter insurgency.

You start out with BLM and switch to defunding the police, infiltrate first, get your leader to the top like AOC— a CIA plant,others,organize, build up, get money, weapons, Peter Strzok involved with big budgets, Minneapolis Houston,Atlanta,defund police destroy records bring in community based people from la Raza antifa,blm,etc.Petraeus wrote it all showing the network will stop them.

Here’s where we as citizen journalists come into play****

Come up with the next thing that will happen and they wont do it.

Citizen journalist films the bad guys and wins the day.The “summer of love” becomes “summer of hate” it destroys their meme. Al Shabob, muslim brotherhood,MB, all being used.

Muslims used widely,start with chaz,change it to “chop” when the bad guys come in, when you take a military turn bring in AR15’s bring in name change.

Webb has predicted much of this says activity will stat in Dallas and Houston,Denver—cia connects—Phoenix,all JTTF—joint terrorism task force connects,defund the police fills the vacuum.

This all becomes an insurgency against the US.

Webb says:We can stop these bastards by using the internet.We need to do a compound search relating two things:

1.Look at current news and comment.

2.The smarter guys will start calling stuff out. What will happen next: deduce what is going on

Small police depts. are huge targets for the DNC. Big dem operations overwhelm small town police by left wing university students,guys with weapons will be in the back ground using students as shields.

They shoot people on both sides which starts a race riot,one of these zones will become a disaster zone disruption activities.

Scooter Libby outing Valerie Pflame she was a cia op/cut-out, Imran Awan military operative for the pakis using congress COG continuity of govt. DTRA—"Defense Threat Reduction Agency" watch out for who is in charge of all this!! They are also in charge of nukes and bio-weapons,Keith Kellog,Joe Schmitts of Blackwater,all trying to take trump down.

DTRA is set up to pull the trigger on continuity of govt. trying to take Trump down,Blackwater,CIA,Keith Kellog, Joe Schmitts,this is an inside/outside attack. Mitt Romney inside—Peter Strzok shipping drugs for weapons,Fort Wachuka, Fort Belvoir, Evergereen aviation—trainings for the Muja Hadeen,training for drones spraying stuff,"out" everything they are doing and you get rid of them. they all use blackberries,bragged about how they talk to battlefield,to Haquanni network, big time network between Pakis and Afghanistan.

.............. End part I .................................

23 posted on 06/21/2020 5:16:32 AM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic home of free because of the Brave)
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To: All

Webb video showing how DNC/CIA others plan to take over the US as they have done with other countries.

DTRA(Defense Reduction threat Agency)once again run by all the wrong people is set up to pull the trigger on continuity of govt. trying to take Trump down. They use Blackwater,CIA,Keith Kellog, Joe Schmitts,this is an inside/outside attack. Mitt Romney inside—Peter Strzok shipping drugs for weapons,Fort Wachuka, Fort Belvoir, Evergereen aviation—trainings for the Muja Hadeen,training for drones spraying stuff,out everything they are doing and you get rid of them. all use blackberries,bragged about how they talk to battlefield,to Haquanni network,(do more on haqanni network) big time network between pakis and Afghanistan.


Webb did a darn good job to out the insurgency now its time to continue to destroy the narratives they bring in,Floyd(look at photos of man putting the knee to Floyd hes a fake),others,Chaz,spraying of people in blm may threaten upcoming Trump rally follow the money with Act blue:—"act blue is a fund raising scheme that has raised billions for dem candidates and “groups” this is where the antif,blm and other “groups” come in with big money behind them almost anything is possible."AOC once again assoc. with act Blue Historically, the dems used teamsters for 75 years. To counter these bastards what must be done is to shine the light of day on them.Use the computer and out them at any and every chance possible like I am doing right now.

Once the terror network is “right” it all falls out. Do a compound search use anything in the news and post it,get the truth out and they will run and hide. Black lives don’t matter to Peter Strzok. Look at Africa how many blacks have been killed just arbitrarily,300k in Libya just to make a point!! Liberal mayors want to put out messages that it’s OK to riot, loot, cause fear, anything to get rid of Trump at the election.

We need fact witnesses to destroy these clowns.ID theft,keep getting the story right pins these clowns into a straight jacket. Notice how Alexander Vindman who lived in Tacoma could have been trafficking weapons between Seattle and Olympia. Where is Peter Strzok, Adam Schiff Bill Priestrap? These people are the cabal with hillary. Were The Channel Islands given to China for US debt owed to China? Could be, we don’t know.

George likes Sibel Edmonds not competing with here he gives her all kinds of credit.

Antifa no compromise any more. Those days have been stepped up a little with bio weapons DTRA—defense threat reduction agency is in charge of these weapons.

Webb does not trust Pence.Hey this is another gladio—cia engaging in political terrorism they stay behind people involved in madness and mayhem.


I was given this by a friend.It's a post by greeneyes#172 on the Q thread simply priceless. Evidently, this is the process used in silent coups of the nature we are undergoing right now.

First they replace the local police department with thugs and goons/dyncorp, cia types,UN troops.Then they get rid of local cops and replace with all the bad guys.

Reminds me of how Obama got rid of as many officers in the military as he could who were not loyal to him and willing to fire on US citizens.It’s a long term take down of a country that has been done all over the world and now it's our turn. Here is the post from greeneyes.;page=172

Ymani Cricket; All

BlueStateVacatur @ShoreProgress

History teaches, plans to destabilize local Police Forces to be replaced by “NATO/UN” security forces filled w/ G4S (UK/Pak) and Dyncorp (CIA) recruits to include:

-Mobile Homan Squares (Chicago)

-Gang Rapes (Haiti)

-Color of Law Hit Squads


From Comments below

WHY WE MUST VOTE AGAINST DEMOCRATS. DC longtime investigative journalist George Webb reported on Friday, June 19, 2020 about the Democratic National Committee plan to replace our local police with NATO contractors from all over the world or groups like Blackwater mercenaries.

Youtube IMMEDIATELY terminated George’s account just as I finished watching. The plan is to city-by-city de-fund police as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter terrorists move large city to large city causing chaos and forcing police precincts to close.

He says his insider sources have documents showing it is a well-established CIA - NATO joint plan to replace local police with UN ‘peacekeeper’ global terrorists policing the United States just has been done over the last 20-30 years in many countries around the world. Now the weapon is turned on US. DISABLED LINK. ‘DNC Plan To Replace Police with NATO Contractors’

Here is Farmer Jones backup channel—he said he would interview Webb tomorrow on this channel:


My Highlights from the Interview—but first recalling that McCabe was involved with bringing in people for the JTTF. Imran Awan and others were involved with this...going on for 20 years or so(also Andre Carson, Keith Ellison were involved. Using encrypted BlackBerries—provided by Weiner’s “trusted employees”. Last count I had was 655,000 trained ops brought in from over seas.

NATO/CIA have plans to replace the local police force from state to state and every large city-starting with the place where they are strongest such as Minneapolis. NATO employees have diplomatic immunity??? This is the same format they have used all over the world after destabilizing the country. Used a lot of DynCorp MP types. Basically these people are hear and already trained Mercs.

They will be called Community Police-no blue helmets. Plans to have UN Observers and review Nationally of all police for racial bias. Covid tracing will be used to basically keep people under house arrest.

He said to stop the plans all that had to be done was DEFUND NATO Replacement Cops. That is probably what did it-short video-CNN somehow or other was involved with the effort to take down his channel.

Other stuff was background on CIA/Paperclip etc. Just when I went to post this, my internet went down again.(greeneyes not me) So I hit back arrow, and thank goodness it wasn’t gone. Trying again now that service is on again. Not taking time to proof read.

172 posted on 6/20/2020, 3:04:29 AM by greeneyes ( Moderation In Pursuit of Justice is NO Virtue—LET FREEDOM RING)

33 posted on 06/21/2020 5:42:02 AM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic home of free because of the Brave)
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To: rodguy911

Just watched the 06/20/20 Webb and - the full hour.
All I can sat is wow. Alex knows a lot, but Webb is encyclopedic.

How about that last provacotive speculation -what if Trump is not who we think he is? Nothing out of bounds with these guys. So informative.

By the way - he is who I think he is.

211 posted on 06/21/2020 7:30:30 PM PDT by pghoilman (Earth First. We'll drill the rest of the galaxy later.)
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