Watch out for that whiteness glare. It can blind you.
Some people are woke. I’m awake. I’m a white person who has been awakened to the reality that no matter how many pounds of flesh I give, it will never be enough to appease the left and the race-baiters.
I am going to focus on my self-respect, stand by the truth and work for my independence from this depraved society.
I learned that a long time ago
See my Screen Name for my independence from this depraved society.
Was self-employed for all of my working like after about age
20. I’m 77.
First, liquidate. You need a cash cushion and some time, which can still be purchased.
Lower your life style.
Find a location. It may not be ideal. It must lack attractions to the wackninnies. It must be affordable. You will need to spend to update and secure as much as possible. Security is not just arms. It is electric power, water and food. do not use internet searches for *best places*. They will be overrun and not just by like-minded people.
Once re-located, assess your new area and your skill sets. Where do you fit? What can you do? Your age, family situation and extent of competition will be part of this. At times, I have seen oversupply of wood workers and midwives and massage therapists. I personally believe in bartering with farmers if you are not already one.
Can you produce where you land and sell into the rest of the world? This can actually be advantageous, as it keeps your local profile low while building your local market.
Given our present world situation, how flexible can you become? Things will be in flux a long time.