It’s just the flu, bro
No it is not the flu. It is less than the flu. I have several colleagues in and around Florida. There are minimal increases in hospitalizations or cases. There are several major hospitals in major cities out of Miami with less than 5 cases.
What is interesting is that testing is sky high, percentages are holding the same. There are tons of tests done for procedures that the patient is not sick that are popping up positive. We know that there are late false positives from dead viral particles that are present from infection weeks or months ago.
I think we are seeing a sort of historical record. Despite the so called 3000+ cases, these are positive tests, and it is not affecting the hospitalization rate.
Yea, it is. 6 deaths and we are suppose to panic?
Time to CASH in : all cases now are ‘Corona Virus’ (Wuhan Flu) related because of the 15% bonus to government payments made when classified as such.
Why the /sarc? Do people not get the flu in Florida?