I know, if your symptomatic stay home. But a young athlete may not notice. What exactly is the harm if young healthy people getting this virus as opposed to any other virus?
Does anyone recall the goal of trashing the economy and our liberties? Maybe a Fearper can recall it. It was to flatten the curve or slow the spread. For the love of god can anyone cope with the fact that the goal has never been to stop the spread?
But I see stopping the spread and decrying every new infection is now a theme on FreeRepublic. Be ready for Lockdown 2 with Chicken Freepers leading the way. Having blown round 1 and submitting to tyranny they are doubling down to keep from admitting they were wrong.
I’d bet a dollar against your dime that the majority of these cases result from exposure during riots.
feeling tired today?...better go get a swab....
wouldn't be doing this with rhinovirus or flu....infact, many players WILL play with symptoms of the flu...