“Youth programs” have had an amazing success record over the years.....
(If you believe that I have some bridges with rioters on them to sell you....)
> Youth programs have had an amazing success record over the years..... <
As an urban school teacher, I was involved in one of those programs years ago. It was amazing - but not surprising - how much of the programs money just simply disappeared.
Example: A good amount of money was used to buy community bicycles. It was supposed to be a sharing kind of thing. Turned out to be more of a stealing kind of thing. No one cared.
Youth programs in NYC means “money that will be pocketed by Bill DeBlasios wife”.
About the only thing that has been accomplished with those youth projects, is that kids get fed at those rec centers. My niece’s husband has worked in the City’s Rec Dept. in Rochester, NY for years. They not only have to feed the kids, and provide snacks for them every day, but they have to help them to learn how to read, despite not having any college, or teaching certificates to do so. Since the lockdown, no kids have been accessing his rec center, but he’s still had to go into work to feed the homeless, and crackheads in the neighborhood. Rochester ‘s Recreation Dept. recently fired all the upper level people, demoted all the supervisors, my nephew being one of them (he’d just gotten promoted last year), and they’ve partially furloughed all their rec aides (my nephew) to only work 17 hours a week.