“but it obviously explains why a more drastic response was employed.”
No, it does not explain why. Even the other officer not only thought it was improper, he thought it was unnecessary.
Not only did the perp-officer have 18 complaints against him as an officer, his bosses at the club he worked at a second jobs at as a “bouncer” also complained to him about unnecessary acts he did in that job. Without any provocation, on that job, he would just spray pepper spray at a crowd of blacks in front of him.
Strangely, both he and Floyd worked part time on second jobs as bouncers at that club. Other motives????
Security camera footage appears to show an intoxicated suspect. Couple this with a high likelihood the officers had ample time to run him and were aware of his lengthy list of priors. At least one an armed conviction. Either on their own warrants additional steps to be taken. Resisting arrest on top of it? Cmon, you know better.