Thanks very much,big week this week.
There is a lot going on here that doesn’t get mentioned very often.
1. This covers up Russian collusion and three years of the Muller disaster for the dems.
2. Impeahments I and II are now history and will soon be forgotten in the name of white supremacists which is all the drivebys will be chatting about. You will never here the antifa being mentions especially by the 15 journalists we covered earlier or the drivebys.
3. General Flynn and the decimation of his character the blackmail of him telling him to plead guilty or watch his family destroyed,on and on,the Flynn story is now history.
4. Joe Biden and all his baggage whether it be threatening officials to withhold a billion for ukraine or his latest fiasco where he determines who is black and who is not.
5.Covid 19 the diaster it was as we now see it was a planned bio weapon planned-demic over a period of years.
6. The black vote will now be up for grabs until its explained to the world who is actually behind all this Soros and the cabal.the instruction sheet shown earlier will help show what is actually going on.
7.loads of other issues that will be revealed as we go.
Hey Cornell West!
“White Supremecy” is the domain of the RATs.
(overeducated buffoon)
"When you spoke to the President, did you "speak truth to power"?