CORRECT: Promised a HIV VACCINE 15 YRS AGO, Milked it out till WU-FLU HITS. Promises a vaccine. Common flu or cold CAN’T be stopped. FLU VACCINE’s BEEN A Failure since Spanish Flu. ALL 3 CORONA Variants, among several others that have no immunity or vaccines.CDC Director is of the same ILK, LIARS, FRAUDS. Redfield was recommended by NJ FORMER Gov Christie, only needed upper RNC approval, most anti-TRUMPERS, $800,000 book deal. EBOLA, DENGUE FEVER vaccines never happened. THOUSANDS OF VETS DIED OF HEART ATTACKS, STROKES, SUICIDES, When he banned their PAIN MEDS COLD TURKEY. Moved to civilians, MORE DEAD, same reasons. His son is a HEROIN DOPE ADDICT, WHO OD’D, HAD NARCAN.
Redfield is AWFUL also!!