When I was a young wife and mother, my own mother warned me about women’s magazines. She said they would make you unhappy because you could never live up to what they were peddling.
Wow, she had a keen eye.
The Serpent LIE that women and men must act the same. The sad #RustyIrony of Leftist “feminism is the male model is the one that is taught they must reach for, career and economic power not home and family. At the same time men (”Playboy Philosophy”) are told they could use women as playthings with no consequences... and worse women should be OK with it (as per “Sex and the City”). As the article infers, sex became an end in itself, not a relationship increaser of love and commitment. Children became a burden, not a blessing.
The end result is misery, discontent and maybe worse confusion as to who you even are as a human. But so many have invested so much of their lives in the LIE, they now cant escape its cruel and merciless grip. #OldSerpentSmiles