This is F****** outrageous. 100% outrageous. To suggest that someone who pursued a burglary suspect is guilty of murder for filming the suspect is outrageous. This disgusting prosecutor needs to get hers. This whole thing stinks. The “victim” was a gang member, convicted felon, and a thief. Absolutely disgusting.
This whole thing stinks.
I’m sorry for attacking you in the past concerning this case. The more that comes out the more it looks like your perspective is the correct one.
Completely irrelevant to the case.
And I have no opinion on guilt or no guilt of any of the parties.
The mob must be satisfied or some politicians may not win the next election....
Told ya bort, old pal.
Except nothing was burgled.
I find it hilarious that everything the white guys say, we are supposed to accept without question.
They are some pretty silly white boys.
I wonder if the prosecutor has hopes that this third arrestee will cut a deal to implicate the father and son?
Some here speculate that could happen and maybe it will.
However, some news reports say this third arrestee has changed his story more than once since the shooting. This could possibly complicate things for the prosecutor, especially if the third person decides to put a little extra jam on the biscuit to please the prosecutor.
Any discrepancies in the testimony of the third person - if that were to happen - will be exploited by the defense. Reasonable doubt.
The defense attorneys for the father and son may or may not be reluctant to attack the deceased. I don't think they will hesitate to attack the third man if he takes the stand for the prosecution.
There's no evidence in the public record that Aumad Arbrey was a member of a gang...unless you're referring to that gang of half pints he got arrested with for supposedly stealing a 65" television set in 2017.
Suspect isnt actionable re: citizens arrest.
They didnt witness him actually commit an actionable crime. Trespassing isnt actionable; the owner may have (and later did) permitted.