This 42% figure is essentially just someone’s wild guess, so I’ll take it with a grain of salt. What I’m hearing through friends and acquaintances, though, is that a fair number of restaurants and retailers that were having troubles before covid-19 will not reopen. Buffett’s old line that when the tide goes out you see who’s been swimming naked is apt to some extent. If you were teetering on the edge of failure in during a *good* economy, and then you get involuntarily shut down for 2+ months, well, you’re pretty much down for the count.
“This 42% figure is essentially just someones wild guess,=”
Too precise not to raise suspicions...On the other hand, it could have said 41.87876%
When the economy revives, people will want to eat out.
It may not be the same restaurant, but restaurants will come back.
Also, many people got used to ordering from restaurants. I was stuck in the idea that if you ordered food to be delivered, it had to be pizza or Chinese. Not any more.
I expect restaurant delivery to become big in the future. It may mean fewer waiters, but more delivery drivers.
Many shopping malls were on the brink.