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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

Mommy can we please go outside? We won’t burn ourselves can we please go out and play? This is what the children of Frau Brown are axing after she unilaterally decided to close the football season for the state until October at the earliest and most likely through January. What does she care about football, what does it have to do with Global Warming and homosexual marriage or Mexican votes? How does this help Biden get elected to Make America Grovel Again?

This so-called pandemic has brought out the worst in the once proud Communist Party. Now it is just feared. Thanks to the overrunning Oregon with Californians and New Yorkers what used to be an independent state in the image of Missouri and Kansas has become a suburb of Gay Bay. It has had forty years of being ruled by tyrants who have been caught with their hands in the cookie jars as well as underage babysitters. Now it has a governor who runs the state with an iron fist passing huge taxes despite the legislature turning it down like she was Kim Jong-Brown of North Koregon. What is the difference between Oregon and North Korea? Oregon’s grass tastes better.

How do you close the sports seasons without good science proving this is a valid measure? Oregon has had around 125 deaths out of 4.5 million or a .0002% chance of dying from Corona despite the fascist measures she has taken. She claimed there would be 45,000 deaths using her fake models to panic the sheep. Of course, she is going to take credit even though it is showing these measures are hurting rather than helping. This is looking more like chicken bones than science.

Governor Cuomo who murdered thousands of his subjects was surprised to learn two thirds of the deaths and hospitalizations were from his house arrests. Not from working people, not from homeless, not from people going about their normal lives, it was from people locked in their homes and apartments. Now part of his outrageous deaths is from his crusade against the malaria drug just like Frau Brown’s thank you doctors, but a major portion is from incompetence and scaring people.

Where is the science hydroxychloroquine does not work? There are tens of thousands of cases of it working around the world and one highly biased study saying it did not.
Which one do you think the Fossil Media reports? Why do the communists dismiss it simply because President Trump said it had promising results? Why are they not having mass testing of it with an open mind? Why are Governors who have zero medical knowledge declaring it illegal to pass out a harmless drug while waiting for a miracle cure? Who says the malaria treatment is not the miracle cure? How many deaths must occur just to potentially hurt Trump? If Trump bleeds it leads.

This is what happens when a false religion gets ahold of a crisis. They claim they are the ones following science when nothing could be farther from the truth. They are simply worshiping their virtue signaling and claiming it is science. If they were following science, they would be reporting the facts such as most of the deaths are from the aged over 75 which is who is always the first to go due to weakened immunity systems and failing health. It is called getting old and weak, or life cycle.

People are not dying under 50 so let them out of house arrest. Follow the science and let the younger people go, this is not a severe case of sickness. What is killing people is losing their jobs and the fear tactics out of control Govs are spewing. The left coast Govs like Kim Jung Brown are abusing their power to promote an agenda in hopes of collapsing the economy then rebuilding it more like their Marxist utopian ideals. If their serfs lose their houses it is a small price to pay for the greater good of saving the planet.

It is time to let everyone under 60 get back to work and those over accept the .0002% risks if they want. If they want to wear masks and gloves to make them feel socially virtuous so be it but let’s break this fake house arrest now. There are no overcrowded hospitals and will not be after America goes back to work. Let the people go back to church, back to school and enjoy their sports. The nannies are going to find the human body is more resilient than they first thought, and all those models were exaggerated if not completely fraudulent. It certainly would not be the first-time science has been manipulated to promote an agenda, Global Warming, Ozone Hole, Ice Age, Acid Rain, Peak Oil and now the pandemic panic. Seems like science only makes massive errors one direction.

How many are dying and will die from not having their annual physical since the hospitals and doctors’ offices are closed? How many immune systems are being weakened from not being active and watching the daily death indoctrination? How about Oregon prays to God rather to Mother Dirt?

This is nothing more than the strength of the Three Pillars of Propaganda (Academia, Media, and the DNC) flexing their muscle. They believe if they cause mass suffering and misery as well as a shattered economy, they can replace President Trump with Braindead Biden. They believe their biggest hurdle is having to overcome the greatest economy in histoir and the more damage they cause the better.

If the economy did collapse, who do you want as the CEO of America? Do you want a billionaire who showed he could make all the right moves or someone who does not know what color Jell-O he is having tonight? If they were smart, they would put this panic behind them and go back to shouting racist, sexist, homophobe well maybe not sexist.

What is Kim Jung-Brown’s half-baked solution? Keep everyone under house arrest and cancel the Oregon/Ohio State game. She is willing to cancel a rematch of one of the greatest Rose Bowls ever played at Autzen stadium which the entire college FB world would tune in to and she cancels it months in advance. Who made her God? If Oregonians want to take the scary .0002% chance of dying, then let them but stop the fascist tactics and follow the real science. This is not science it is political games being played where the kids and fans are being punished. To cavalierly cancel the biggest game in Oregon FB history is a step too far even for a liberal state like Oregon.

The real data is coming in and not the fake model data.
It is showing the Corona is not very strong against the young healthy people. For them if they do get it, they recover in a few days with no residual effects. Most of the elderly have the same results with a small minority of around 5% having severe respiratory issues which is not far from regular sicknesses. The body is God’s miraculous creation which is unpredictable from models due to the infinite variables. Those variables have found a way to fight off this virus and as it is exposed to nature apparently is weakening as it goes through various evolutions.

Mommy can Oregonians go out and play? Please let us outside so we can have some fun. We won’t scrape our knees. Let us go to the football game and get away from politics. Pretty please mommy, can we?

This is the last straw even though you can’t get straws in Oregon without begging. Her religion has gone way too far and is affecting people’s lives who do not believe in her faith. If they want to believe in social justice and virtue signaling by wearing a mask while they drive their cars will keep them from dying, fine just do not take away our freedom. The risk is as close to zero as you can measure so let people take that chance. The only model they are following now is North Korea and China which nobody wants. Open the restaurants, businesses, churches, and Autzen Stadium Kim Jung-Brown.

Pray for the elections

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 05/10/2020 4:39:41 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The prisons do not fill themselves. Get moving, Barr!)
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To: All
• Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

• Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.


• Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.



(an update for my descendants)

My Governor, Carney of Delaware, came out with some items that will allow us to peek outside our windows as we remain in our home jails.

Some of Carney's new pronouncements, as he adjusts his crown, are listed below.

Image may contain: text

Note please how, get this, hair dressers can open but are only allowed to do the hair of essential business.  So if you are not from an ESSENTIAL Business you shall wear shaggy hair until Carney will allow.

Carney needs a haircut to adjust his crown.


There are rumors all about that vaccines and immediate cures are in the working.  Vaccines take a long time to approve but goodness they've had cures from hydrochloride or some such, Pepcid AC (I'm not making this up) to drinking Lysol.

I predict a vaccine will be found fairly soon (which would be at least a couple of years in vaccine time) and this horror will only be just a bad memory.



(another update)

Ex-FBI Director James Comey violated DOJ policies with Trump memos ...

The big political news this week is the DOJ release of notes by our fabulous oh-so-proud-of FBI that revealed their plan to bring down a duly elected president.

The worst of them all was Jim Comey, shown smirking above and so in love with himself. He was the FBI Director once upon a time until President Trump fired him.

All this began when the FBI decided they didn't like who the American people elected.  So they started a plot against the then Director of National Intelligence, Mike Flynn.

But of course it is the job of the FBI to rid America of elected presidents they do not like.  Oh, and the Democrat party may help.  First they assigned a special investigator, Bob Mueller, to somehow convict the Trump administration of colluding with the Russians to affect our elections.  When that fails we have an impeachment for something Trump said on the telephone to the Ukraine.

Then we have a deadly virus.....

......I'm just sayin'....



(one more update)

I don't suppose that 2020 Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden having an accuser who says he sexually assaulted her would be considered a cultural happening.  But it's been covered by not only the political media but by gossip media so let us not quibble.

It was 27 years ago according to the accuser, Tara Reade.  She says that Biden once pushed her up against the wall, put his arm up her dress and penetrated her with his fingers.

Come on, we all know Biden is a classy guy.

What's really intriguing is how the Democrat party, which had every woman in the world praising Justice Kavanaugh's accusers and demanded they be believed.

Tara Reade has several people from that long ago time stating that she did tell them about the incident.  Not to mention that there is a tape of her mother calling up Larry King Live and telling him about her daughter who was sexually assaulted by a famous senator.

Blasey-Ford, Kavanaugh's accuser, had no one who remembered her story about the then- being interviewed -Justice.



Shelley Luther: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

The big culture story this week is the tale of Shelley Luther.  

Shelley owns a beauty salon in Dallas, Texas.  Texas had decreed that beauty salons could open in Texas on May 9 but Shelley, who should be hung and shot at sunrise, opened her salon a few days too early.

She was pulled before a horrible judge, Moye, who should put on a triangular hat and declare himself Napoleon, who fined the woman $7,000 and gave one week in jail because she would not, as Napoleon commanded, apologize in the court.

"If you would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge that your actions were selfish, putting your own interest ahead of those in the community in which you live," Moyé said to Luther inside the courtroom Tuesday.

Luther refused.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish," she said. "I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed then please go ahead with your decision but I'm not going to shut the salon."

I say to my descendants, do not allow the gubmint, in any form or fashion, do this to you.  Let Shelley Luther be your hero, not this Napoleonic judge.

Given a chance my descendants, the elected nothing burgers gain power and rather like it.



(that my descendants may know how I handled it)


$1,200.....IN THE MAIL!

Note that other countries did not provide money to their desperate citizens.


My beard continues to grow even though I am female.  Hairs need cutting.

Not miserable I suppose, but not very happy.



(social media explains so much)

Below a Facebook stand-by this past week:

When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health.

When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health.

When the State bans dentists because its unsafe, but deems abortion visit is safe, it's not about your health.

When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it's dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health.

When the State tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, but not wearing a mask or “social distancing” or following any of the rules they’ve enacted for YOU— it's not about your health. (I always wondered about this one, doesn’t make sense that Dr Acton is holding the mask in her hand, but not wearing one) 🧐

When the state puts you IN a jail cell you for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about YOUR health!

When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store essential- It’s not about your health!

When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.


Image may contain: possible text that says 'Wife: Did I get fat during Quarantine? Husband: You were never really skinny! Time of Death: 4/25/20 11:23pm Cause of Death: Corona virus'



(My opinion for my descendants)

Could the Covid-19 virus be a huge hoax?

To my descendants I must caution that I speak softly.and I ask that you tell no one that I suggested....well what I am about to suggest.

All I know is one day in mid-Feb. 2020 America awoke to the news that there was a nasty vaccine out and about and killing people.

Before we could stop and absorb, thousands were dying in China, then on to Italy, through Europe, and, eventually into the United States via Washington state.

America was confused at all the hysteria generated by the press and by various politicos who didn't know what to do.  President Trump had, back in January, stopped all Chinese entry into America but beyond that it was impeaching the man as this is what our congress does.

As the days followed it was confusion that reigned.  At some point all the businesses were shut down except for such as grocery stores.  The economy bombed, restaurants could not serve, hairdressers could not cut hair, in some states where the politicos ran wild, we could not even buy paint!

Unemployment ran upwards towards 30 million.

Here's my question....could China have planned this deliberately?

Because if you try to attack America's military you're going to lose.  But if send a virus to America to destroy its economy and kill its people, you might be able to take over the country with no need of canons and guns.

Even worse, if by accident or, as I softly wonder, on purpose, just why are so many Americans, including one major political party, doing everything it can to shut this country down?

Is China paying people, to include Hollywood stars and various politicians, to make it difficult for the United States to re-open its businesses?  Why does the Governor of Michigan not allow its citizens to buy paint?  Why does the Governor of New York send persons already stricken with Covid-19 to nursing homes where the most vulnerable among us live and cause them to die?  Why does the Governor of Delaware decide not only who can cut hair but who can GET THEIR HAIR CUT?  Why does the Governor of California shut down only one beach in the state?


Are they getting paid?

I shall stop here so I say to my descendants.  As of this writing America is struggling to open up, to beef up the economy.

More about who started this and what royal beings thought it was on them to decide who gets haircuts and who can buy paint will be coming up in the future.

If this doesn't stop soon I say to my descendants, the country is going to rise up.

This is just the start.



Image may contain: one or more people and meme, possible text that says 'I did my own hair today. How do I look?'

6 posted on 05/10/2020 4:40:42 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!

Except for Sunday Morning Futures on FOXBusiness, it looks like the entire atrocity perpetrated against Michael Flynn and the extreme media dishonesty of so many Obama era leaders is just down the memory hole.

8 posted on 05/10/2020 4:49:29 AM PDT by Freee-dame
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To: Fishtalk; Alas Babylon!

the wrong people are on the panel. America is LOCKED UP.

So, where are interviews of the people who imposed tyranny
after they created, patented, and released SARS_CoV-2?
where are the difficult questions for them?

question 1 - why are there patents -and profits-
on this scheme using weaponized virus? how many?
On April 25, 2003, the United States Department of Health
and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention filed US Application Number US46592703P
(issued as U.S. Patent 7,776,521) Entitled:
“Coronavirus isolated from humans”

Claim 3: A method of detecting a severe acute respiratory
syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in a sample

Claim 4 - A kit for detecting a severe acute respiratory
syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in a sample

question 2 - why would the CDC and FauXi attempt to
control all research in the US on this weaponized virus?
what else did they do during this time?

2013 United States Supreme Court in Association for
Molecular Pathology et al. v. Myriad Genetics ruled the
commercial exploitation of any research or commercial
activity in the United States involving SARS-CoV would
constitute an infringement of CDC’s patent.

question 3 - why would the CDC and FauXi attempt to
control all research in the US on this weaponized virus,
while giving $ and into to Xi and China?
how is this not treason at best?

2014+ National Institutes of Health Grant R01AI110964
gives more taxpayer money for virus patent rights.
The CDC and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases’ Anthony FauXi used the patent(s)
in the US and at Wuhan Institute of Virology
and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

September 24, 2018 - CDC fails to pay
patent maintenance fee.
was it reinstated?

question 4 - who allowed/permitted Drs. Brix and FauXi
to alter the centuries-long practice of medicine
and surgery? and why?

March 12, 2020: Normally, REAL doctors use actual
microbial testing to determine what infectious DISEASE
a person REALLY HAS. You know, like in a ‘lab’.
But to KNOWINGLY maintain fraud, the CDC and NIAID’s
Fauxi and Dr. Birx reportedly suspended testing
and began classifying and DECIDING the alleged
presence of COVID-19 and SARS_CoV-2
by signs and symptoms alone.

No more messy lab testing.
No more real data. (just like DNC voting, is it not?)

The Birx-FauXi-CDC plan is designed to
massively misreport their plannedemic
to continue their removal of Constitutionally
(previously-)protected rights.

How is it normal to define this “disease”
(or any other infectious disease) by ONLY
signs such as fever, chills, rigors,
and symptoms such as myalgia, headache, sore throat,
and relatively unmeasurable condition such as
“smell or taste disorder”?

This is certainly NOT medicine; except
maybe at the Birx Medical School of magical scarfs.

This is, and has been, a novel and obvious plannedemic
used to take out an ELECTED PRESIDENT, a superlative
economy, and Freedom.

Have a happy and safe Mothers’ Day.

14 posted on 05/10/2020 5:18:28 AM PDT by Diogenesis ( WWG1WGA)
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To: bray

The time for asking is over. It’s time for doing, aka Shelley Luther in Dallas.

It will cost some courageous citizens some cash, but the eventual arbiter is no longer the “9th Circus” it once was. The court shows some common sense occasionally, and would in this draconian case. GoFundMe will help. Someone must stop Gov Brown in her tracks. Jeez.

These Govs are committing suicide via the polls, recalls, local elections, etc.

The chatter is she’ll end up dismantling the once great PAC 12 conference.

17 posted on 05/10/2020 5:27:29 AM PDT by chiller (Davey Crockett said: "Be sure you're right. Then go ahead'. I'm going ahead.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Brilliantly done bud,great job.
Truth is we have been subjected to a huge con by those who did the Russian collusion,911,and so many others.NO need to list them all we all know who does the work for the cabal.
This latest cabal where general Fauci knew the pandemic was coming in 2017 wrote about it and also has a patent ready to profit when the time is right for him and fuhrer Gates.
I am currently of the opinion that sooner or later the handcuffs will be taken off and we the prisoners will be released but only until the next wuflu season begins in late Nov. or early Dec.
Be ready for Fredo’s big brother in NY to start shouting “closer down” to anyone still willing to listen to his computer full of lies and misrepresentations.
My take has been to listen to the Dr. Judy Mikovits Dr. Buttard and the two doctors running the 7 clinics in Calif. and not Fredos brother.
Dr. Judy Mikovits in particular has put it all on the line for years.She's been jailed, had her livelihood threatened and sabotaged by the midget Bonaparte Fauci and even suffered death threats for daring to tell the public and her peers the truth. That truth is the medical community from drug purveyors to doctors to politicians have been sabotaging us for years and have no compunction about killing many of us to get the power,money and population limits they are tasked with getting for their masters the illumine.
More as we move along today.
22 posted on 05/10/2020 5:41:23 AM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic home of the free because of the Brave)
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To: bray; Alas Babylon!
Governor Cuomo who murdered thousands of his subjects was surprised to learn two thirds of the deaths and hospitalizations were from his house arrests.

And De Blasio....Mass murderers, utilizing the Cuomovirus bioweapon.

Not from working people, not from homeless, not from people going about their normal lives, it was from people locked in their homes and apartments.

They deliberately left the subways running to further spread the contagion, and sent terminal Bat-flu patients into uninfected nursing homes (complete with body bags) and leaving the Trump-provided Army field hospitals empty.

They need to "hang from nooses".

26 posted on 05/10/2020 5:51:09 AM PDT by ROCKLOBSTER (We need to reach across the aisle, extend a hand...And slap the crap out of them)
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To: Alas Babylon!
test im on a new computer
28 posted on 05/10/2020 5:57:55 AM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic home of the free because of the Brave)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
Frau Brown is a cowardly politician who thinks she is in a win-win situation. She can point to the very low fatalities and cases in Oregon as a manifestation of her policies. If restrictions are released and there is a flare up of cases, she can claim it was too early. A win-win for her.

But she underestimates the permanent damage to the economy and the rising anger of her constituents. The more data we accrue, the more apparent it becomes that the Wuhan virus is about as deadly as the generic flu and that it affects disproportionately the elderly and those with underlying conditions. Children under 20 are practically bulletproof.

Let's hope there are electoral consequences for Frau Brown and the Dems. You can only keep people in a state of fear and panic for so long. Gov Kemp took a lot of arrows for his actions, but so far, the dire predictions of a new round of cases has not materialized. If you trust the people to make the right decisions, they will deliver. Enough of these mandates from petty bureaucrats. There is no turning back. The US will never shut down again due to a pandemic. The cure has been far worse than the disease.

45 posted on 05/10/2020 6:26:03 AM PDT by kabar
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To: bray

Great commentary and points Bray regarding segmentation of real data that the MSM won’t do as they are only after clicks, support for a Dem agenda and any way to erase the accomplishments of Trump.

The impostor feels the hot breath of exposure if not justice and creeps out from under the rocks to give his irrelevant take on the rule of law.

The crypt keeper posing as the Dems candidate of choice trie to thread the needle on his actions in all forms

We live in strange time and as you conclude the key variable is The Election.

Trump has and will save us ...

54 posted on 05/10/2020 6:33:05 AM PDT by patriotspride
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To: Alas Babylon!


Is Frau Braun’s first name, Eva?

From her home in Bergtesgaden, Western Oregon, she has initiated her version of the “Final Solution.” When is she up for re-election? Or has she cancelled elections, too?

184 posted on 05/10/2020 10:27:53 AM PDT by CDB ("What happens in Wuhan, doesn't stay in Wuhan"--Sneaky Xi)
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