Any real improvement depends upon the character of the people, with a far more industrious youth and work force and election of wise moral leaders. Which would actually require a new transformative Great Awakening, such as the latter half of the 1800's saw, and preceded and helped enable the Industrial Revolution (despite its faults).
And thereby here are a few other "best path forward" ideals.
Affirmation of Biblical morality and basic faith (as with so many of the Founders ), and calling of the nation to repentance and prayer, but without government monies - with its strings - to religious programs, and exposing Islamic faith as contrary to the Constitution versus supporting it.
Increasing the voting age to 21, and which right is restricted to citizens, requiring a form of voter I.D.
Abolition of abortion and the Pill, as well as the recognition of homosexual marriage and its fornication, and of tax dollars to support the treatment of diseases resulting from fornication.
Affirmation of capital punishment for certain moral crimes based upon the eye-witness testimony, and with false witnesses receiving the penalty their lying incurred. And with the penalty collectively executed by the countrymen of the locality in which the crime took place.
Removal of any economic incentive to co-habitat and instead make it advantageous to be married and have children. And with strict rules (adultery or abandonment) for divorce.
Rejection of the victim-entitlement mentality programs and its racism, as well as other programs that subsidize indolence and unhealthy lifestyles.
Requiring most able-bodied youth to train in the military (not video games), which would include a conservative-approved objective history course (not Howard Zinn), that teachers must also take, as well as immigrants in order to become citizens.
Rejection of interest on government loans to citizens, but a reduction of them, while promoting private charity.
Rejection of gov. aid to liberal secular "seminaries," "reeducation camps camps" that of political leftist colleges, and student loans for learning at such.
As well as rejection of loan forgiveness for student Pell grants due to working for the government or in secular non-profit work. Induction into the military for most who cannot pay.
Further reductions of the the size of governments and pay for those "public servants."
Increased buying power thru smaller more efficient government, reduced regulations.
Reduction of Federal aid to states, aside from disaster relief.
Allowing people to work for less than the minimum wage if they want to, thus encouraging employment of those under 20 and over 65.
Overall facilitate a large reduction in the cost of doing businesses making it far more competitive, along with rejection or limitation of trade with nations that unfairly compete.
Reduction of military waste and inefficiency, while expanding development of space assets (incldg. a form of nuke propulsion).
Elimination of subsidies for Green energy while providing incentives for safe forms of nuclear energy and military hardware.
Those are just some basics.
Abolition of abortion
I agree completely, and simply ask, what approach would you take to enforcing the abolition?
Removal of any economic incentive to co-habitat and instead make it advantageous to be married and have children.
Specifics please.
Allowing people to work for less than the minimum wage if they want to, thus encouraging employment of those under 20 and over 65.
How do you propose that the people who would be working for less than minimum wage live at anything other than a third-world level?