There were quite a few videos posted in the last few days that involve Dr. Judy Mikovits . Here is a video created by Americans Voice which covers similar ground to PlanDemic but in my opinion goes much further as far as damning statements about Fauci. This was a 2 hour video that was an interview done by Patrick Bet-David. By the way, this is Mikovitss book Plague of Corruption. This was a one hour interview of Kent Heckenlively he is the co-author of Plague of Corruption.
Very interesting that all these videos were dumped out all within the last few days Im sure that Donald Trump and has already investigated Fauci and Birx to the hilt and knows more about them then they do themselves... his body language tells me that he is taking the statement Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer to heart. At least, I sure hope so.