And if the same sort of mortality arises as with the disastrous polio vaccine in India, round up every single forced vaccinator and publically hang them.
No exceptions.
It’s the oral Polio vaccine that has caused all of the vaccine induced paralysis. Because a few drops in the mouth is all that is required, it is a favored method for inoculation against type 1, 2 and 3 type Polio. The injective method, known as inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), contains only dead strains of the three types of the virus. It is the more expensive method of administration. IPV does not cause vaccine-derived infection or outbreaks.
The oral version, is actually a “live” strain of he Polio virus that has been manipulated so it lacks the strength. In places with poor sanitation, the virus in the oral vaccine can spread from sewage to drinking water. Those who hadn’t received the oral vaccination would actually be protected by the drinking water. What happens is the drinking water would soon contain the Polio strain that had regained full strength. There have been this type of outbreaks in the Philippines, China, Myanmar, Pakistan and a half a dozen African countries.
Then there are pharmaceutical manufacturers with sloppy quality control who have sent out polio vaccines with live full strength viruses. Such a company, Ghaziabad-based pharmaceutical firm Bio-Med, had its managing director arrested because of the mistake.