The polls are unreliable. They call people at inopportune moments and ask a question that implies that the person has an intellect, and has thought intelligently about the subject. Most haven’t. It’s purely name recognition and impressions based on unreliable emotions and fleeting impressions.
This election campaign is the worst ever. It’s disguised as a health crisis. The “health crisis” was contrived so as to put pressure on Trump and then no matter what blame him for the pain and misery. It’s a 2020 version of “Bush/Katrina.”
The public is easily fooled and led into hysterical panic. I’m hoping that enough of us reasonable people get to the polls in November and keep biden/jabba-the-hut out of the White House.
1. April polls are beyond worthless, clown.
2. This is a registered voters poll.
3. This is a historically bad poll.
4. Biden cant get above 44 in this poll despite disappearing for the past several weeks.
5. Despite what you want, Biden isnt going to win.
6. Your never-Trump shtick is transparent.
Do these pollsters realize what a person has to put up with if they say they support President Trump.
I love him, can’t wait to vote for him, but if some bozo called and asked if I would vote for him, I’d say NO sir.
Liberals for Bernie poll.
Said the same thing about Hillary/Trump polls.
And I’m the queen of England.
Yeah right. Trump will show commercials of Biden groping all those little girls and stammering, stuttering, making nonsensical remarks etc.
Trump is gonna steam roll over Biden.
Oh, brother, do these idiots not even realize that a presidential election is actually fifty different elections?
Keep it up Joe! You can make it to the nomination!
(my big fear is that the Dems will replace him with someone who actually has a working brain)
IMO the only way Biden wins is by massive vote fraud..
Some portion of Trumps downturn is the fact that his base is getting impatient with the re-open. His initial statement of 4/12, then 4/30, then deference to the governors based on vague CDC guidelines is wearing on people. The important thing is to get the economy going as quickly as possible and then these numbers change. I dont completely discount the findings.
The Idiot Biden is an even bigger idiot now than he was then.
Polls are meant to influence public opinion not measure it.
whats book on Trump vs Mooshelle?
thats the real story, but it still wouldn’t be valid numbers when they skew the balance of voters Dem. heavy constantly. shift 10% of totals toward Trump and you have a more accurate number.
“Trump has no path to 270.” — Mainstream media 2016 right up until the last few state resullts came in
Won’t these Biden people be surprised when Joe has an exercise equipment failure in late June.
LOL. same tired sh*t game.
From the same pollsters who called it for Hillary in a slam dunk in 2016, most likely.
Its what you get if you call only 202 and 212 area codes.
I bet all of the 1000 participants live in CA & NY ...