The solution is easy.
Trump should take the New York Democrat Party to court and prevent the them from placing a candidate on the ballot in November.
No Primary, no candidate!
Bernie l-o-v-e-s being taken off the ballot.....its a big money-maker for ol’ Bern.
He already has about 10 fund-raising letters at the printer pressuring the Bernie Bros to cough up some cash..... so he wont feel bad.
Nah nah - see, the whole thing has been a ruse.
Political parties have always had total control of whom they decide to run as a candidate in the election. This was done only by people who were IN and participated with the political party.
During the early-mid 1900s there was a push to reform this process because the party bosses had too much power and many people were being left out of the process. So they integrated the parties with the state government and enacted the primaries and marketed how great and democratic they were.
Except for one tiny problem - LEGALLY, still, the party bosses have total control over whom they run. The DNC has gone to court several times to affirm and uphold that fact.
GENERALLY - theyll hold to their stated internal rules but as you can see, this is all kabuki theater.
But they may have crossed the line here because this is actual disenfranchisement. Really it depends on how the state law is worded.