Journalism IS under attack.
The attack is by partisan leftists masquerading as “reporters” who are only interested in shaping the narrative into their views, and primarily trying to make themselves look like the embattled “david” against the evil Trump Goliath.
But what they’ve managed to do is poison the media to an entire generation of consumers. I used to be able to “deal with” slanted reporting. But given what they’ve done to President Trump, his administration, his nominees, and the way they colluded with the former administration to ensure that there was NO peaceful transition of power, they’ve lost me to the point that I will never trust any of them, for even the most trivial news.
These are corporate and communist government shills, and nothing more. They’ve worked to install a corrupt harridan as POTUS, and after she lost, they’ve worked to overthrow a legally elected president, some going so far to say that he committed treason because of collusion that they reported, but that they knew were all lies. The so-called mainstream media colluded with the former administration’s intelligence service to spread lies and undercut any policies and the prestige of the President and administration on the International front.
But most recently, we’ve seen them running Chinese Communist Party propaganda as “news.”
The “Fake news” really is the enemy of “The People.”
DNC media says what?
What are they winning?
The destruction of the USA narrative?
“Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the [media], for they will steal your HONOR. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoe making and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poor house.”
— attributed to Mark Twain