Lack of demonic possession helps.
There are so many beautiful conservative women....
That’s what they say about Free Republic women. Same thing.
And its articles such as this that makes us look silly to the mainstream.
There are plenty of beautiful American women. Some just need some education.
Because beauty is more than skin deep.
It might have to do with the lack of green and orange hair, a lack of facial hardware, and a more pleasant spoken word lacking in 4 letter superlatives.
Hmmm, wonder what a study of the correlation between ugly inside and ugly outside would conclude.
My husband agrees.
I think it’s because they accept life. They are not perpetually angry, like liberal women are.
According to wikipedia, Patrick Stewart is a feminist:
Its because over time, often what you are on the inside begins to manifest on the outside.
I’ve noticed that wearing masks makes women seem more attractive because all we see are the eyes and your imagination is left to fill in the blanks. And we inevitably fill in the blanks with images that are pleasing.
article is mostly twaddle, but in my personal experience, at gatherings of the well-to-do and powerful, there is indeed a disproportionate number of very attractive females of all ages, but i most likely the real reason is that attractive females tend to be more attracted to the well-to-do and powerful ... like Larry David once said about his wealth and women, “You don’t really think women are attracted to me for my looks, do you?”
To be a Liberal, Progressive,... you must be consumed with Hate, Rage and Anger, The belief system they proscribe to requires it, all of which are Very UGLY and it seeps right through your pores and put on Display for the World to see.
One of my favorite Fred Sanford quotes.
Anti-truth, anti-lndividual, anti-freedom, anti-life psychopaths are visible. Some are captured by a camera (face). Others by words. Others by deeds.
Some cannot even hide it with the smile. EVIL is an ugly thing.
Most Democrat women are FUGLY! The question is this.....are they UGLY because they are DEMOCRATS....or are they DEMOCRATS because they are UGLY?? Which came first??
Modern leftist ideology feeds on and into the 7 deadly vices... So a less attractive woman is jealous she doesn’t get the attention more attractive women do. (or a poor man, is jealous he doesn’t have or get the things a richer man does.. you can substitute anything here really same mode of operation). Rather than being an adult and coming to terms with their life and enjoying it, like a healthy and sane adult individual, along comes lefitists to tell them, you aren’t getting what you want or others have, because of others actions, you are right to be jealous, envious, to covet, you DESERVE what others have, and if you can’t have it neither should they, so its perfectly moral to tear others down.
This is fundamental to the modern left...
So, with women, you wind up with generally less attractive a bitter women because the left ideologically panders directly to and reinforces their insecurities.
Humility is a very powerful virtue, and beautiful to behold, I believe more commonly found in conservatives as they do not commonly have an elevated sense of self importance