I might be wrong, but I would’ve thought that Auburn, California would be in one of the conservative areas of California (i.e., not on the coast).
Its a nice area though (climate-wise), so maybe some Bay Area refugees have moved into the area - thus downgrading the neighborhood.
You would be right. Auburn USE TO be pretty conservative. Hipster Bay
Area people are buying up a lot of the houses and businesses up there.
My parents live in Newcastle which is a mile or 2 down hwy 80 from
auburn and all the houses around them are being bought up by bay
area transplants. 3 of the most desirable plots on their road were bought
up and the new owners put up giant god awful mansion monstrosities.
Its a crying shame what these bay area losers are doing to what use to be
conservative strongholds like placer and el dorado counties.
As a whole, Placer County including Auburn itself remains conservative, but being so close to Sacramento and, even worse, Davis (a UofC campus town), the self-described “Progressive” disease of Leftism — similar in many respects to the progressive disease of cancer — is invading the healthy portions of the surrounding counties.