“Unfortunately, vaccines only work if enough people get them to create whats called herd immunity.”
That’s an odd thing to say. They work for the people that take them, few or many, or they don’t work at all.
The people that opt out take whatever risk there is knowingly. The only ones that these people might be said to “victimize” are those very few who would choose to take the vaccine, but for some reason cannot get access to it. The government could concentrate on those sorts without resorting to mandates.
We need a vaccine against those obsessive mandaters. They’re dangerous. I’d likely get in the front of the line for that one.
A few years ago, my immune system was wiped out, for over a year — no vaccine would work for me. I went through much the same isolation as we’re all experiencing now, just to avoid ‘ordinary’ flu. There are millions of people in much the same circumstances today — they cannot protect themselves with a vaccine, so they rely on everyone else to do the responsible thing.
Very young children comprise another vulnerable population. Anyone, who chooses not to vaccinate themselves, should avoid all contact with very young children. If you can’t do that, don’t visit your grandchildren — you just might kill them.
Please also see my #19 above, for a bit of a disclaimer.
That is not correct. They also victimize those who are unable to take vaccines.
We need a vaccine against those obsessive mandaters.