The ass wipe reusable bags are germ factories. They also take 132x’s the energy and cost to make over plastic bags. I shake my head in disgust every time I see some birkenstock wearing bonehead walking into a store carrying 10 of those petri dishes. And I still see them.
Liberals never acknowledge any unintended consequences or costs with any of their pet programs. No amount of facts, logic or the lessons of history can force them to see the downside of their wacky ideas.
“carrying 10 of those petri dishes”
Hey, your clothes, skin, breath are petri dishes. When you touch or breathe on something, you might be seeding a petri dish. Things on shelves that others have touched are petri dishes.
That said, I prefer to use single-use bags when shopping.
Something that’s driving me crazy lately are the elegant plastic containers for liquid laundry soaps that get thrown away. I re-use them as much as possible — for herbicides mainly. They are very easy to handle, have a wonderful pouring spout, and seal closed well.