Am I a physician
Yes and a damn good one. I have not lost a single CoVId patient
Yes third world infrastructure is not ours.
It is apples to oranges
Please. Get your Fearper brethren go isolate yourself for the rest of humanity and be you to the best of your ability
You and your posts are among the most ignorant most fear mongered most twisted logic that exists. You are nothing but a hack and bully with a keyboard.
It must truly be awful to have your world view and rejoice in whatever misery you can find.
No further response to you as you are unreachable.
As I learned never argue with an idiot. They will reduce you the their level and then defeat you with the experience. You see, you are an idiot. And apparently have a lot of experience.
That’s it, just ignore what’s going on outside your happy little borough.
Lalala, I can’t see it, I can’t hear it.
Some doctor.
You are the bully, doctor. And an arrogant one at that.
If you were my doctor, I’d fire you. CCP-19 or not.