You don’t see any benefit in using Guayaquil as a comparative case study of Covid-19 in the wild with nearly no mitigation and no remediation?
It seems to me you have very little intellectual curiosity.
and it seems to me you are peddling fear and books. good day
This will be my last communication to you, you arrogant, little child. Attack me all you want, but dont you dare attack my colleagues whom I speak with on the phone from time to time. Many doctors here on FR have an informal network.
What I do know is that the woman who you have attacked of having little intellectual curiosity is on the way to her hospital to treat this very illness today. she is a front line doctor and she is also raising the next generation of doctors.
What I do know, is that the woman whom you say has no intellectual curiosity is one of of the brightest minds in all of medicine, having earned her degree significantly earlier the most and with highest honors.
Your judgment of no intellectual curiosity is the definition of narcissistic delusion and if you want to wage an intellectual curiosity war with her, to quote the movie — you are way out of your league.
You are nothing more than a two bit harlot and purveyor of doom and gloom hiding in some sort of self agrandizing delusion that you are relevant or noteworthy. You are not. Your sewage marks you as an ignoramus of the highest order.
I will pray that some day you have wisdom and discernment, but in the meantime, you and your ad hominem attacks should be banned permanently from this site, and you should seriously seek the professional help you desperately need.