“Both sides of my family had “part Indian” stories once doing so became cool. MY DNA test, that of my mom, and my only living Aunt on Dad’s side all showed ZERO Indian.”
That could be the story on my Dad’s side, which supposedly had the Indian ancestors. DNA shows nothing. However, they had several founding fathers, Mayflower people and other notables going back to Scottish royalty. Many of which were killed and often brutally by their royal Brit cousins. There were rumors of a retired judge going back and destroying records to remove any non white ancestors last century.
Of course no mention of our African Blood which supposedly is documented back to the 1800’s on either side.
My Mother’s side with some UK royal DNA and zero mention of being Indian is the side with the written documentation of Indian Ancestors from the late 1700’s to/before the Civil war. That side may also,have been the ones with some African DNA, which no one bragged about nor mentioned.
Which Mayflower ancestor(s)..Mine are the Billington’s.