It's still debt and still has to be financed. When the dust settles it's not unlikely that Trump will increase the total federal debt by 25% in 2020 alone.
When the dust settles we'll still have a lower debt/GDP ratio than Greece, though not lower than any of the other PIGS. Why do I not believe we won't be financing this with 30 year maturities. I suppose the debt will be someone elses problem. Like my grandkids.
Just have the debt yield negative interest and then never pay it off. The US could just issue debt for the rest of eternity. Free money!
“Its still debt and has to be financed.
No its not. These new dollars are equity not debt. They are issued at zero percent interest and carry no debt. They will go into circulation to pay off old debt dollars. The old debt dollars will be retired from circulation so the new dollars do not create inflation either.
Look for Trump to keep bringing more and more of these stimulus packages forward because he is planning a debt equity swap that will hopefully wipe out our national debt before he leaves office.