Sad ain’t it?! I’d rather die going back to work and trust God not what the mediaVOMITS hair on fire say!! I’ll say it again the mediapukes are enjoying every bit of their hair on fire pandemic re amok..just this morning a reporter for our local news outlet was reporting of a “MIGHT” food you know what that does to our mental psych?! PANIC!! Will this botch be held accountable by the station..absolutely NOT!! This is a media virus and the president has been HAD!! President NEEDS to go tour hospitals where the china virus folk are..he can wear a PPE or a hazmat suit!! HE NEEDS TO GET HIS BUTT OUT THERE AND SEE FOR HIMSELF!! FAKENEWS CBS reporter use an Italian hospital clip reporting that the hospitals in New York were being overwhelmed with China virus patients! What does that tell you? I’m sorry but if Trump doesn’t get on gear and get people back to work like the middle of this week it’s going to be very difficult for him come 2020! I am telling you people are furious about the April 20 deadline! So what happens after April 20? extend it to May 20? And so on and so on!! China the globalist and the swamp are at this moment celebrating the demise of our economy and president!
There are multiple ways that the intentional destruction of the economy will cause many more deaths from the virus. An increase in suicide, domestic violence, homelessness, and eventually malnutrition and a lack of prescription drug coverage for people who are permanently laid off. For ever action there is a reaction. I think President Trump understands the risks, but he has no support for his position within the gutless GOP. If he tries to reopen the economy without broad based support, McTurtle and the others will hang him out to dry. We just have to hope the virus will subside before the economy is permanently damaged.
” April 20 deadline”
From what I read April 30th MAY be just the start. He mentioned June 1st as well.
I like your posts !