Where can you find the USA rate of increase?
as of 3pm EDT 30 March 2020:
united states cases 28 March: 123,578
united states cases 29 March: 143,491
united states cases 30 March 3pm): 155,969
Daily rate of increase = (143,491 / 123, 578) - 1 = 16.1%
united states cases 22 March: 33,592
Weekly rate of increase = (143,491 / 33,592) - 1 = 327.2%
Next week’s weekly number will be between 230% and 330%, and probably at the low end of that, so:
5 April (projected) 143,491 * (230% + 1) = 473,520
California cases per population = 0.016%
California deaths per population = 0.00033%
Louisiana cases per population = 0.087%
Louisiana deaths per population = 0.00398%
united states cases per population = 0.048%
united states death per population = 0.00087%