What do you mean “we”?
There were several threads on one such study a few days ago.
You seem to be asserting that studies not done in the United States might as well not exist.
I am not buying your point in any way.
Thanks. I’ll share what she passes on. What I have from her last email is:
Not everyone is getting the same treatment. Some antibiotics, some anti malaria, some anti HIV, and they are thinking about anti arthritis. No NSAIDs. Some say that even fluids make it worse. No nebs since it’s a super spreader.
If patients are intubated, no chest compressions because it will be a super spreader.
We originally weren’t supposed to have high flow on the floor but ICUs are getting a shortage that we have to have them on our floor now. We’re running out of ventilators at NYU.
Even nurses with over 20 years of experience have never seen anything like this. 34 patients, only 6 females.