SC? Again??!!
Ive been told that SC has a higher than average quotient of local cronyism and corruption, high cost of living, and is pretty poor on 2nd Amendment rights compared to many other states. Ive never really checked into that besides noticing that the gun laws are somewhat more onerous than what I might have expected for a solid red southern state.
Bluffton SC city council just passed a “unanimous resolution” basically “telling” the Governor to shut down the state. What you are seeing here is the Governor’s response to them. McMaster is following federal strategy based upon on-the-ground, real-evolving data, the city council is using emotion and political aspiration for “data”. Great move by the Governor. We do not need a lot if ill-informed local noise in our ear on this critical national crisis.
“Wow, a pissing match between government leaders to see who is most holier than though. Popcorn time!”
The state’s Attorney general has been shutting down little Hitlers all over the state, including mayors in big cities like Columbia who tried to pass anti-2nd amendment red flag laws.
South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson is a rising star in the patriot movement to squash leftist commies in the state.
The last statement in this article :
“The opinion concludes by saying, counties and municipalities should be aware that any unauthorized exercise of such emergency powers could subject these political subdivisions to liability at the behest of a private citizen with requisite legal standing.
is a green light for citizens in the state to start suing the little Hitlers in the state for taking away their rights.
Warning to SC leftists: We are coming for you, Nazi a-holes.
Interesting. Good to know there is at least one government official in the country who still believes that citizens have rights. Too bad he’s outnumbered.