You realize the flu - all combined strains have killed FAR more people this year than COVID right?
“You realize the flu - all combined strains have killed FAR more people this year than COVID right?”
Now scale CCP-19’s infection rate up to the flu’s infection rate and redo that calculation.
Never mind this has no vaccine and no herd immunity, is more contagious and can be spread by people before they show any symptoms.
Now scale CCP-19 up to the point at which we achieve a reasonable degree of herd immunity and redo that calculation.
Oh, wait, it spreads too fast for there to be enough recovered people to protect the rest of the herd.
So scale it up to unlimited community transmission and redo that calculation.
That’s why Wuhan’s, Iran’s, Italy’s and now NYC’s HCSs have crashed. Maybe Spain’s. Maybe LA’s. Atlanta’s. Madrid’s. London’s. New Orleans’.
Now superimpose the age-mortality distribution for CCP-19 on the age-population distribution for the US and try to guess how many people over 65 will be left after this runs it’s course if we simply pretend it’s the flu and do nothing.
So when you have redone all those calculations, come back and tell me it’s just the flu.
Now consider
You rely on on the truthfullness of official Chinese statistics. Given that, would you like to buy a bridge?