Ping list ping.
So I visited a relative I hadn’t seen in years back in early February. He lives a bit out in the boonies, at least by my suburban standards, in a very nice place he built on a small mountain. Nice views.
Last year, they had a big snow. Lost power for 18 days, took him 2 days to get off the mountain and decamp to a hotel. He’s currently about to put in a big generator, and he’s been researching freeze-dried food, likes Mountain House. Had a big spreadsheet of prices from Costco and Amazon for same, which I got a copy of.
Fast forward a month, and Costco has no Mountain House, and Amazon availability isn’t what it was, and prices have gone WAY up, which is the point to my story. Preppers were just ahead of the curve.
Rice, beans, pasta, flour...
A lot cheaper than overpriced MH.
You can water glass eggs for long term storage.
Canned chicken, tuna and beef is all reasonable at wally world.
I started back in 2010, and have added to my considerable supplies, ever since.