Here is an example of over-reliance on China. I ordered some cute reusable shopping bags for the upcoming holiday of Purim (March 9) on Amazon, on February 21. A week went by, and THEN I got an email from the seller (in China) that he was out of the bags. With the holiday approaching, I ordered the same bags from another vendor, also from China. Amazon posted that the bags would be delivered between March 4 and March 9. I was very skeptical of this. Finally, the seller gave me a tracking number through China Post. Numerous checks of this tracking number have told me that "the package has not entered the system yet" and half a dozen other "never heard of this number" responses. Yeah, that package is gonna arrive between March 4 and 9, sure it is. Fortunately, I am adept at crafts. I created a logo in line with my Purim theme this year and will print that on t-shirt iron-on transfer sheets and iron those onto some nice canvas totes I acquired locally for a very decent price. Fie on you, China!!
Can you just imagine if this were life saving drugs being shipped from China? That is a fragile reed indeed, if this were the only source of those pharmaceuticals. Scary!