Just came up on the elevator with a couple of women in their 50s...ish. Each attractive, one longer blonde hair and the other, short, recently styled brunette hair. They were continuing a conversation started earlier and the brunette was reaching toward the back of her head mentioning that she thinks she needs to go back to the stylist. She then looked at me and laughed and said, I’m sure you don’t need to hear two women talking about this stuff first thing in the morning...
I told her that was okay and her hair looked very nice. She smiled with a natural wink (kinda like smiling with her eyes... I love people who smile with their eyes) and she thanked me as we reached their floor, the door opened and they stepped out. As the blonde continued their conversation, the brunette turned back and wished me a wonderful day.
Good, positive vibe to start the day. Always acceptable.
See? What did I tell you...
Chris Matthews did the cheap flirt thing, to get his mental rocks off.
You on the other hand, gave a genuine opinion.
If I were Matthews, instead of flirting like those a holes all do, I’d say.
“I know I need to be careful what I say here so you won’t get the wrong opinion of me, so, let me say I’m not hitting on you, I love my wife, (or I have a gf etc), but I must tell you that you are ravishing, and I mean you are stunning, and it’s easy to see why this network hired you. Good luck to you, I wish you well.”