This is worse than those. I’m getting annoyed with people saying, “it’s just a seasonal flu.” I have employees in China and I can tell you they are reporting scary stuff.
How do you know it’s worse? Because poor, malnourished Chinese people eating fish eyes, chicken guts and rotting snakes from an unmonitored “market” started getting sick?
Nothing is worse than Ebola. If Ebola were contagious, most of us would be dead in a matter of months. Thankfully, it’s infectious.
Coronaviruses by and large are not significantly lethal. The numbers in this outbreak bear that out. More people have had it and recovered than have died.
I’m not saying don’t take precaution and don’t take it seriously. But the sky isn’t falling. And with spring/summer approaching, this bug won’t have too much more time to last in the open air.