If your numbers were right, every country would be setting up huge quarantine camps and putting walls and barbed wire around them.....politicians would be fleeing and going into hiding.
My numbers come from the
Johns Hopkins CoVid-19 tracker, which is the most accurate ones I know of. Perhaps you have a source that is better? If so, please share it!
And yes, it sounds like this has a lot of potential to do some bad things, and many governments should be taking it a bit more seriously. But when your total case load is so low, even the high percentages don't matter much until infection levels (confirmed cases) start going up a bunch. I guarantee that if you start seeing confirmed case numbers jumping here, the CDC will definitely start getting a lot more panicky. Iran is already trying to shut down alot of their pilgrimmage stuff, Italy is cancelling a lot of major stuff (Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt's new movie shooting?), I don't even know what all SKorea is doing, but I bet they're taking it more seriously than we are. And these places only have several hundred to a couple thousand cases. Not even that officially widespread yet.
Over time, that 17% figure should drop, but that's what the numbers currently are. The math doesn't make stuff up.