You are kidding right? You think because they are tested and not dead, thats a big win.
Are you mentally deficient? Really? Its like once a doctor identifies Measles, they are healed?
This thing takes up to three weeks to run its course. We identified the first case in the wild whenWednesday?
So, Wednesday in the US = December 15th in China.
What makes you think this is anything but the start? Because the CDC said so? Theyve screwed this from the start. They send out lots that dont work. 75% of the first test kits were defective. Then for another two weeks they have such a strict testing policy, people were walking around in elementary schools with this virus.
It takes 5-14 days to become symptomatic.
Good luck with that.
You are as delusional as the libs are retarded.
Im not even blaming anyone. I merely think you will see large portions of this country locked down for weeks. I think the economic system is so bad, that it will cause a significant economic and cultural impact that will be felt for years.
But, I am hysterical. Your Ill spout things as if they are gospelwithout addressing a single statistic or counter argument.
I understand most people are too stupiid Basic numbers, science, and powers of observation.
Its sad, but the herd needs thinning. Good luck getting a hospital bed.
Please stop clutching your pearls, but DO take to your fainting couch sans any electrical devices!
I have only pointed out that our CDC has not been looking for it. I never said we are fine nor we are in the clear if anything is good the damn CDC is finally testing people so we can put the fire to our local leaders in the affected community to lock then down sooner not later. The economic damage is coming regardless we can save a lot.of.llives or we can give wall street another few weeks to shuffle chairs on the titanic.
As for me personally I’m Mormon I have over a year of food, meds, supplies and the means to filter water down to .001 micron, then UV sterilize and add chlorine as a third layer. I have full biological protection suits and full double seal masks for all my family 25 pairs of 40mm nbc rated filters. No group on earth is more prepared for the trials and tribulations than the Mormons.
We have been on self isolation since last week and have instituted our pandemic plan that is years in the making. No more work outside the house all tele commute no leaving ten feet from the back door the dog is on the leash to keep at least 3 meters from the fence lines. Dogs can get covid19 that was confirmed in Hong Kong today. The front of the house has plastic airtight seals on the Windows and doors as was the plan from Ebola. I take prepping to a whole nother level I won’t discuss details of firearms in an open forum but I could kit out a large group of fellow LDS think platoon sized fit out with full battle rattle. those of us blessed by The Father have supplies for our brothers and sisters who are not as blessed. I’m in my 40s and mostly retired I consult now so staying inside a month to see what shakes out is nothing but more time to binge Netflix and caffeine free orange soda. I know soda bad but I haven’t had caffeine in 15 years, don’t smoke nor drink so a Orange fanta is my sweet tooth.