I’ve been downloading first hand accounts of CV survivors. Most say it isn’t as bad as the flu. Some say it is like a heavy cold.
Thank you for accurate reporting. Rush is right folks this is the common cold in terms of danger.
Do you think SK has essentially shut down whole industries over a ‘heavy cold’? Ditto Italy.
For 80% of people, it is a heavy cold. It’s the other 20% that will crash our hospital system.
Look for the ‘reinfection rate’ though.
Japan has a case, already, of someone who ‘recovered’, tested negative, and was back in the hospital with it testing positive 2 or 3 weeks later.
So, for some reason, didn’t develop immunity to it the first time.
China reports 15% or so of tested survivors are ending up BACK in the hospital with it the second time. Some of them weeks after they ‘recovered’.
It’s an awfully ‘lucky’ bug though. Seems it’s picked up some mojo from HIV. Which might account for some people failing to develop immunity.