As I posted on another thread.
Barr is either deep state are is not capable (or unwilling) to fix the mess at DOJ.
A few facts (not in any particular order):
1)Barr started his career at the CIA,
2)was part of the Bush Administration,
3) close to Kelly,
4) has not begun to clean house at DOJ,
5) has not accomplished anything meaningful in prosecuting crimes committed by the left (all the way from Hillary, to sanctuary cities for illegal immigration, to out of control prosecutors, to voting irregularities, to antifa),
6) Epstein (yes, ultimately he was responsible for allowing his apparent assassination, either by design or incompetency),
7) organized attorneys to defend the FBI in the Ruby Ridge debacle,
8) has taken no action to stop the defacing of our national monuments,
9) Barr works for the President, and should be doing everything possible in his aid, not the other way around,
10) Bottom line, he is either incapable or unwilling to manage DOJ, and prosecute crimes committed by the left.
Some of us have lost patience, just like we did with Sessions.
Now add this one to the list.
Trump has no Wing Man in the Justice Dept.
The sad fact is that even had McCabe been indicted the DC (deep state) jurors and system would never convict him.
And the Left knows this. They know they can go after Flynn and Stone and any one of us on the Right and harass us for years without any consequence. If they do get caught withholding evidence or leaking to the press or lying under oath, they know the DC culture will not convict them.
The only way out of this is to eradicate the Deep State ( highly unlikely) or find a way to move these cases against the traitorous conspirators out of the DC judicial system.
Would I have liked to see McCable spend his Clinton money on defenders? Sure; absolutely. But whether Barr declines to indict or the DC jury failsl to convict; the result is the same. McCabe wouldn’t even be using his own money. He would get pro bono lawyers and an endless stream of Clinton/Soros money. He would make out like the bandit he is.
As long as we are being judged by our “peers” only the law abiding will be convicted.